
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Policy Proposals December 7, 2022

A more equitable distribution of the positive fiscal benefits of immigration

Immigration is good for the U.S. economy and for the fiscal picture at the federal level, but some local areas experience adverse fiscal impacts when new immig…
Papers November 28, 2022

Next steps on the Child Tax Credit

Robert Greenstein identifies priorities for expanding the Child Tax Credit and urges strengthening the CTC for low-income children as much as possible.
Posts November 3, 2022

The labor market needs to soften—but not as much as some think

Two measures suggest different gaps between the current strength in the labor market and what a more sustainable level would be. This analysis finds that the r…
Papers October 27, 2022

A closer look at a hot labor market

This analysis uses JOLTS data to determine the degree to which firms that are looking to hire a significant number of workers can or cannot expand employment.
Policy Proposals September 28, 2022

Building the analytic capacity to support critical technology strategy

To build the intellectual foundations, data, and analytics needed to inform national technology strategy, Erica R.H. Fuchs proposes the creation of a national …
Policy Proposals September 28, 2022

An industrial policy for good jobs

A modern approach to industrial policy must target "good-jobs externalities" and include the service sector, Dani Rodrik argues. He proposes two specific initi…
Economic Facts September 28, 2022

Nine facts about the service sector in the United States

Nine factors about the service sector illustrate recent trends in spending, employment, and inflation as the country continues to rebalance.
Posts September 8, 2022

A COVID-19 labor force legacy: The drop in dual-worker families

Katherine Lim and Ryan Nunn examine why some prime-aged workers are not participating in the labor force.
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