
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Policy Proposals June 27, 2023

Increasing financial access to contraception for low-income Americans 

Changes to Title X could increase the affordability of contraception for low-income Americans. A randomized control trial suggests that doing so would increase…
Policy Proposals June 21, 2023

Federal policies to address persistent generic drug shortages

Generic sterile injectable (GSI) drugs are the staple of hospital care but are particularly prone to shortages driven by market dynamics. Marta Wosińska and Ri…
Posts May 23, 2023

Debt ceiling brinksmanship has clear negative effects on taxpayers

Debt limit brinksmanship is already impacting Treasury securities. The increase in interest rates represents a cost to taxpayers and a lack of confidence among…
Economic Facts April 27, 2023

Ten economic facts about electricity and the clean energy transition

This set of facts elevates key energy system characteristics, especially within electricity production, that will be consequential to the clean energy transiti…
Policy Proposals April 27, 2023

Principles for public investment in climate-responsible energy innovation

This proposal lays out the rationale for substantially increasing federal spending on clean energy research and development, along with four foundational pilla…
Posts April 24, 2023

How worried should we be if the debt ceiling isn’t lifted?

If the debt limit binds, how would the U.S. Treasury operate? How much would federal spending have to be cut? How would the economy be affected? Wendy Edelberg…
Posts April 4, 2023

Who’s missing from the post-pandemic labor force?

An analysis backcasts census population revision in order to create a more informative point of comparison for the current size of the workforce and labor forc…
Posts March 23, 2023

Are we headed for the soft-ish landing projected by CBO and the Fed?

Recent CBO and Fed projections point toward a soft-ish landing: a return to low inflation with only a modest slowdown in economic activity and the labor market.
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