
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Posts March 9, 2020

Food security is economic security is economic stimulus

Lauren Bauer and Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach detail policy responses tailored to the COVID-19 pandemic to support food security, particularly for households wi…
Posts March 2, 2020

What should a fiscal response to a COVID-19 outbreak look like?

Hamilton Project Director Jay Shambaugh comments on the COVID-19 virus and how economic policies with automatic triggers can alleviate the financial burden of …
Posts February 26, 2020

Examining the Black-white wealth gap

A close examination of wealth in the U.S. finds evidence of staggering racial disparities.
Posts February 6, 2020

Labor market data suggest household income growth was strong in 2019

Leveraging monthly labor market data, Emily Moss, Ryan Nunn, and Jay Shambaugh analyze three components of income—wages, hours worked, and employment—to estima…
Papers January 28, 2020

The economics of federal tax policy

How the government raises tax revenue has critical implications for economic prosperity. Moss, Nunn, and Shambaugh provide a framework for assessing various ta…
Policy Proposals January 28, 2020

Taxing wealth

The United States has high levels of income and wealth inequality, in part because of shortcomings in how we tax concentrated income and wealth. To raise reven…
Policy Proposals January 28, 2020

Taxing multinational companies in the 21st century

A proposal by Kimberly Clausing offers near-term and fundamental reforms to improve the taxation of multinational companies. Formulary apportionment would rais…
Policy Proposals January 28, 2020

Tax reform for progressivity: A pragmatic approach

In the coming decades, federal spending will need to grow just to enable the government to continue to provide the services it does today. Natasha Sarin, Lawre…
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