
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Posts December 8, 2020

The Black-white wealth gap left Black households more vulnerable

This analysis finds that the Black-white wealth gap persisted heading into the pandemic, leaving Black households with fewer resources to weather the storm.
Posts December 3, 2020

There are too many ways to lose unemployment compensation

With the help of an interactive, Lauren Bauer, Wendy Edelberg, and Stephanie Lu discuss the negative consequences of allowing unemployment benefits to lapse at…
Posts November 23, 2020

Hungry at Thanksgiving: A Fall 2020 update on food insecurity in the US

Lauren Bauer provides evidence of an ongoing food insecurity crisis in the United States and current evidence on household food insecurity and very low food in…
Posts November 5, 2020

Tracking the mounting challenges among those who have lost their jobs

In this analysis, Aaronson and Edelberg find evidence of structural damage in the monthly employment data. Early in the pandemic, most workers who lost jobs we…
Posts October 12, 2020

What could additional fiscal policy do for the economy in the next three years?

This analysis shows the effects on economic activity, as measured by the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), of illustrative versions of several policies. Specifical…
Posts October 8, 2020

Major decisions: What graduates earn over their lifetimes

For many years, The Hamilton Project has produced data interactives that help young people make decisions regarding their education and careers. We have update…
Policy Proposals October 8, 2020

Building tomorrow’s workforce today: Twin proposals for the future of learning, opportunity, and work

In this proposal, Richard Arum and Mitchell Stevens propose twin federal government initiatives to incentivize innovation in instructional delivery throughout …
Posts October 1, 2020

Teen disengagement is on the rise

In this analysis, we present two data interactives that let you explore how trends in teen labor force participation and school enrollment during the academic …
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