
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Papers March 4, 2021

Race and jobs at risk of being automated in the age of COVID-19

In this economic analysis, Kristen E. Broady, Darlene Booth-Bell, Jason Coupet, and Moriah Macklin examine data on the 60 jobs that employ the most workers in …
Policy Proposals February 15, 2021

After COVID-19: Building a more coherent and effective workforce development system in the United States

Harry J. Holzer offers policies to build a stronger and more coherent workforce development system in the United States.
Posts February 4, 2021

The critical role of workforce training in the labor market recovery

In this analysis, we examine the impacts of the pandemic recession across different dimensions, including employment, labor force participation, and the need t…
Posts February 3, 2021

A macroeconomic analysis of a Senate Republican COVID relief package

Ten Senate Republicans recently proposed a $618-billion COVID relief package. In this piece, we provide an analysis of that package and update our analysis of …
Posts January 28, 2021

The macroeconomic implications of Biden’s $1.9 trillion fiscal package

Wendy Edelberg and Louise Sheiner estimate the economic effects of the Biden administration's proposed $1.9 trillion fiscal package.
Posts January 11, 2021

Higher education’s reopening decisions affected the most vulnerable students

This analysis examines higher education reopening decisions over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic and their implications for students.
Posts January 7, 2021

Rethinking social insurance: Policies to protect workers and families

Wendy Edelberg and Stephanie Lu examine the benefits of social insurance programs and recommend improving automatic stabilizers so that ad hoc policymaking in …
Posts December 16, 2020

The Hamilton Project: 2020 in figures

Alexandra Contreras, Elizabeth Lee, and Stephanie Lu present a month-by-month journey in figures through The Hamilton Project’s research, analysis, and policy …
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