
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Papers April 27, 2022

Lessons learned from economic impact payments during COVID-19

This chapter of Recession Remedies examines the more than $800 billion in cash that was distributed in Economic Impact Payments (EIPs) during the COVID-19 pand…
Policy Books April 27, 2022

Recession Remedies: Lessons learned from the US economic policy response to COVID-19

In the United States, COVID-19 triggered a sharp economic downturn. Yet, the ensuing economic recovery was faster and stronger than nearly any forecaster antic…
Posts March 24, 2022

Event recap—Tracking the recovery from the COVID-19 recession

On March 22, 2022, The Hamilton Project hosted a webcast on the state of the economy and public health post-pandemic.
Papers March 22, 2022

Bolstered balance sheets: Assessing household finances since 2019

A Hamilton Project analysis on how household balance sheets have evolved since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic finds that, in aggregate, households’ financi…
Posts January 20, 2022

Examining the economic status of same-gender relationship households

Using new data from the American Community Survey, Lauren Bauer, Veronica Clevenstine, and Moriah Macklin look into why some same-gender relationship household…
Posts December 16, 2021

The Hamilton Project: 2021 in figures

To conclude the year, Hamilton Project staff present a month-by-month journey in figure through The Hamilton Project's research, analysis, and policy proposals.
Posts December 14, 2021

Labor market exits and entrances are elevated: Who is coming back?

In this analysis, Lauren Bauer and Wendy Edelberg identify when and which people are returning to labor market.
Posts November 16, 2021

What does current inflation tell us about the future?

Wendy Edelberg looks at the factors that appear to be contributing to current inflation to examine whether this short-term run up in inflation points to higher…
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