
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Economic Facts August 5, 2011

A dozen economic facts about innovation

During the last century, medical, technical, and business innovations have driven economic growth, increased wages, and improved living standards in the United…
Policy Proposals May 18, 2011

Promoting clean energy in the American power sector

Joseph E. Aldy proposes a national clean energy standard that would lower carbon dioxide emissions by as much as 60 percent relative to 2005 levels over twenty…
Policy Proposals May 18, 2011

An energy technology corporation will improve the federal government’s efforts to accelerate energy innovation

John M. Deutch proposes a series of best practices for government support of U.S. technology demonstration and a new institution, the Energy Technology Corpora…
Policy Proposals December 1, 2008

A US innovation strategy for climate change mitigation

Two market problems in addressing climate change are lack of private incentive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and underinvestment by industry in R&D. This …
Policy Proposals July 1, 2008

Bringing broadband to unserved communities

Jon M. Peha outlines policies through which government could facilitate the expansion of broadband infrastructure into unserved communities. He argues that the…
Policy Proposals July 1, 2008

The untapped promise of wireless spectrum

Philip J. Weiser argues that our spectrum policy has failed to facilitate an optimal and efficient use of this important resource. He identifies a new directio…
Papers October 1, 2007

An economic strategy to address climate change and promote energy security

This paper presents a strategy for addressing climate change and promoting energy security that includes pricing carbon and oil, investing in basic research on…
Papers December 1, 2006

Promoting opportunity and growth through science, technology, and innovation

This strategy paper argues that maintaining our nation's economic leadership in the world and promoting broad-based growth at home will require effective p…
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