
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Policy Proposals March 9, 2015

Minority and women entrepreneurs: Building capital, networks, and skills

The United States has an enviable entrepreneurial culture and a track record of building new companies.Yet women and minority entrepreneurs often face even gre…
Papers February 16, 2015

The future of work in the age of the machine

Recent developments in technology, including the proliferation of smart machines, networked communication, and digitization, have the potential to transform th…
Posts October 16, 2014

America’s fragmented water systems

In the blog post, The Hamilton Project explores the regulatory challenges of America's fragmented water systems and highlight eye-opening information from …
Policy Proposals October 14, 2014

The path to water innovation

The United States’ aging water infrastructure will be increasingly strained by population growth, economic expansion, and the effects of climate change. In thi…
Policy Proposals March 24, 2014

Unlocking spectrum value through improved allocation, assignment, and adjudication of spectrum rights

In a new Hamilton Project Discussion Paper, J. Pierre de Vries and Philip J. Weiser propose further reforms to move spectrum regulation away from its “command-…
Papers March 17, 2014

Unleashing the economic promise of wireless spectrum

In a new policy memo, The Hamilton Project highlights four policy challenges hampering the economic potential of wireless spectrum and opportunities to address…
Policy Proposals September 27, 2012

Harnessing technology to improve K-12 education

Education technologies hold promise for personalized learning and for building basic skills, but a fundamental obstacle remains: the effectiveness of learning …
Posts September 21, 2012

Innovation is the key to better education

Although innovation has revolutionized the American economy as a whole over the last century, the education sector has benefitted relatively little from these …
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