
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Policy Proposals December 13, 2017

Decreasing the Patent Office’s incentives to grant invalid patents

There is general agreement that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issues too many invalid patents—those patents issued on an existing technology or on an ob…
Policy Proposals March 27, 2017

The next generation of transportation policy

In this paper, Greenstone, Sunstein and Ori propose two major steps towards simplifying fuel efficiency standards and refocusing the program on achieving guara…
Policy Proposals March 28, 2016

Learning what works in educational technology with a case study of EDUSTAR

Innovations in technology hold great promise for application in education, and yet new educational technologies have yet to fundamentally advance student outco…
Posts December 10, 2015

The opportunities and challenges for workers in the online gig economy

While forms of nontraditional and contingent work relationships such as subcontracted, temporary, part-time, and seasonal work are not new, the emergence of th…
Papers December 9, 2015

Workers and the online gig economy

In this framing paper, The Hamilton Project describes the broader economic context of contingent employer–employee relationships and where the emerging on-dema…
Policy Proposals December 7, 2015

A proposal for modernizing labor laws for twenty-first century work: The “independent worker”

The rise of technological intermediaries enabling workers to engage in the gig economy has resulted in protracted legal battles over whether to classify these …
Policy Proposals October 5, 2015

Correcting signals for innovation in health care

When Americans select health insurance, they cannot choose what technologies and treatments to include in their coverage. The fact that Americans have little c…
Economic Facts May 7, 2015

Racing ahead or falling behind? Six economic facts about transportation infrastructure in the United States

Many agree on the need for increased investment in America’s aging infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and airports. This set of economic facts provide o…
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