
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Policy Proposals January 28, 2020

Leveling the playing field between inherited income and income from work through an inheritance tax

One driver of high inequality and low intergenerational mobility is the inefficient and inequitable way that inheritances are currently taxed. In this proposal…
Policy Proposals January 28, 2020

How to increase growth while raising revenue: Reforming the corporate tax code

A proposal by Jason Furman offers several reforms to the corporate tax code to improve the tax base and increase tax rates. This combination makes it possible …
Policy Proposals January 28, 2020

A proposal to tax financial transactions

The federal government requires more funding to sustain economic growth and opportunity, and raising such funds may require new sources of tax revenue. In this…
Policy Proposals March 15, 2019

A proposal to end regressive taxation through law enforcement

In this paper Michael Makowsky of Clemson University describes how the reliance of local governments on fees, fines, and asset forfeiture for revenue generatio…
Economic Facts January 31, 2019

Nine facts about state and local policy

Policy debates often focus only on major decisions made in Washington, DC. But for many Americans, the decisions made much closer to home have just as large, i…
Posts February 15, 2018

Making sound forecasts is essential for budgets to matter

The recently released Trump Administration 2019 budget includes forecasts for economic growth that are substantially more positive than most private sector or …
Policy Proposals October 19, 2017

Making work pay better through an expanded Earned Income Tax Credit

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a refundable tax credit that promotes work. Despite the strong evidence for the effectiveness of the EITC and recent bip…
Policy Proposals October 19, 2017

Public investments in child care

Child care is a necessity for working women with young children. However, the costs of high-quality center-based child care in the United States—particularly f…
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