
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Economic Facts May 17, 2016

Nine facts about the Great Recession and tools for fighting the next downturn

Between December 2007 and June 2009 the United States experienced the most severe recession in the postwar period. Given the massive human cost of recessions, …
Posts March 6, 2015

An historical exploration of the jobs gap

As of the end of February 2015, our nation faces a jobs gap of 3.3 million jobs. In this economic analysis, The Hamilton Project explores the recent growth of …
Posts July 21, 2014

Event recap—Opportunities and challenges in the US labor market

In a new blog post, The Hamilton Project provides highlights from a recent forum on the state of the U.S. job market. Council of Economic Advisers Chairman Jas…
Posts September 12, 2013

The lasting effects of the Great Recession: Six million missing workers and a new economic normal

Despite the consistent pattern of modest jobs growth over the last several years, the nation’s goal of a full recovery from the Great Recession remains elusive…
Posts December 7, 2012

The impact of fiscal cliff negotiations on American jobs: The tradeoff between deficit reduction and economic growth

As the year draws to a close, policymakers and the media have their sights fixed on the “fiscal cliff” – the rapidly approaching day on which federal law manda…
Posts July 6, 2012

The role of fiscal stimulus in the ongoing recovery

The Hamilton Project examines the relationship between government spending and unemployment, finding that states that spent more during the Great Recession exp…
Posts November 4, 2011

Unemployment and earnings losses: The long-term impacts of the Great Recession on American workers

The Hamilton Project explores the experiences of workers who lost their jobs during the height of the Great Recession and finds that even those workers who hav…
Posts July 8, 2011

The Great Recession may be over, but American families are working harder than ever

Michael Greenstone and Adam Looney examine the trend in median earnings for the American family over the last 30 years. They find that the typical American fam…
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