
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Policy Proposals May 16, 2019

Infrastructure investment as an automatic stabilizer

Transportation infrastructure investment during economic downturns often occurs too slowly—and in insufficient quantities—to help stabilize the economy. Andrew…
Policy Books May 16, 2019

Recession Ready: Fiscal policies to stabilize the American economy

Slowdowns in the economy are inevitable. While it may be tempting to rely on Federal Reserve policy as a lone response to recessions, this would be a mistake; …
Papers May 16, 2019

The damage done by recessions and how to respond

Automatic stabilizers are designed to expand during an economic downturn and contract during an expansion—providing timely and temporary fiscal stimulus. Boush…
Posts November 28, 2018

Rates of child experience of and exposure to food insecurity remain high

Despite improvements across a number of economic indicators, rates of child experience of and exposure to food insecurity have failed to see reductions in the …
Policy Proposals September 28, 2018

Harnessing the US intergovernmental grant system for place-based assistance in recession and recovery

The $700 billion U.S. intergovernmental grant system is often poorly targeted to areas that are struggling. Tracy Gordon proposes reforms to Medicaid and other…
Posts September 6, 2018

Workers with low levels of education still haven’t recovered from the recession

Despite economic gains and recent increases, the share of Americans ages 25-54 participating in the labor force is still below pre-Great Recession level. The H…
Posts June 29, 2018

Children’s exposure to food insecurity is still worse than it was before the Great Recession

Lauren Bauer and Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach provide an update on the state of food insecurity in the U.S., noting that despite economic growth across the coun…
Papers August 4, 2017

The closing of the jobs gap: A decade of recession and recovery

In this economic analysis, The Hamilton Project evaluates the nation's economic recovery, assessing jobs growth at a national level and examining factors t…
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