
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Posts June 30, 2020

Who are the potentially misclassified in the employment report?

Since the March Employment Situation, the number of respondents reporting as "employed but absent from work due to other reasons" has risen as a share of the l…
Posts June 10, 2020

To target aid to the neediest families, we need to strengthen TANF

During the COVID-19 pandemic, broad-based income support through both direct checks and unemployment insurance have been essential in limiting the income losse…
Posts June 4, 2020

Examining options to boost essential worker wages during the pandemic

In this analysis, Ryan Nunn, Jimmy O'Donnell, and Jay Shambaugh consider several policy options that could help boost workers’ wages. The authors also prov…
Posts May 13, 2020

Incomes have crashed. How much has unemployment insurance helped?

The rapid contraction of the economy this spring has shattered records for the speed of onset of a recession. One of the most economically important pieces of …
Posts May 7, 2020

Unpredictable and uninsured: The challenging labor market experiences of nontraditional workers

This blog post explores two important labor market disadvantages observed for nontraditional workers: more volatile hours and less health insurance coverage.
Posts May 6, 2020

The COVID-19 crisis has already left too many children hungry in America

In this blog post, Lauren Bauer documents new evidence from two nationally representative surveys that were initiated to provide up-to-date estimates of the co…
Posts April 20, 2020

We need to let economic data guide further economic policy responses to COVID-19

In this blog post, Hamilton Project Director Jay Shambaugh argues for the use of economic data-based triggers to ensure appropriate fiscal support that aligns …
Posts April 16, 2020

What is work sharing and how can it help the labor market?

The U.S. unemployment insurance (UI) system replaces some of the earnings of workers who have lost their jobs, helping them to stay afloat during tough economi…
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