
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Economic Facts October 14, 2014

Nine economic facts about water and drought in the United States

The water crisis is as much an economic issue as it is an environmental one, and it demands focused national attention. This Hamilton Project policy memo prese…
Policy Proposals October 14, 2014

The path to water innovation

The United States’ aging water infrastructure will be increasingly strained by population growth, economic expansion, and the effects of climate change. In thi…
Papers March 17, 2014

Unleashing the economic promise of wireless spectrum

In a new policy memo, The Hamilton Project highlights four policy challenges hampering the economic potential of wireless spectrum and opportunities to address…
Policy Proposals February 26, 2013

Reforming federal support for risky development

David Conrad and Ed Thomas explore how the National Flood Insurance Program and other federal disaster relief programs could be reformed to better align the co…
Policy Proposals February 26, 2013

Increasing the role of the private sector in housing finance

Changes in the government’s role in housing finance could contribute to budget savings. Phillip Swagel’s proposal to increase the role of private capital in ho…
Policy Proposals February 25, 2013

Replacing the home mortgage interest deduction

Tax reform discussions often center on tax expenditures. Alan Viard proposes to replace the mortgage interest deduction with a refundable credit as a way to re…
Policy Proposals February 25, 2013

Funding transportation infrastructure with user fees

Investments in infrastructure are essential for a vital economy. Tyler Duvall and Jack Basso suggest looking to user fees as a way to raise revenues, reduce co…
Policy Proposals June 13, 2012

Leveling the playing field for natural gas in transportation

Domestic natural gas is both cleaner and more affordable than oil, making it an attractive and practical alternative. In a new Hamilton Project paper, Christop…
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