
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Policy Proposals March 27, 2017

Protecting urban places and populations from rising climate risk

This paper proposes three complementary policies for enhancing urban resilience to new climate risk. The first focuses on improving key urban infrastructure. T…
Policy Proposals March 27, 2017

The next generation of transportation policy

In this paper, Greenstone, Sunstein and Ori propose two major steps towards simplifying fuel efficiency standards and refocusing the program on achieving guara…
Posts February 9, 2017

No free lunch: The pros and cons of public-private partnerships for infrastructure financing

The need to improve our nation’s infrastructure is an issue on which many policy makers, at all levels of government and across the political aisle, can agree.…
Papers February 7, 2017

If you build it: A guide to the economics of infrastructure investment

This paper seeks to provide an economic framework for evaluating infrastructure investments and their methods of funding and finance. Why should we invest in i…
Papers October 21, 2016

Putting time limits on the punitiveness of the criminal justice system

Over the past 30 years, both the incarcerated population and the limitations placed on those with criminal records have dramatically expanded. The consequences…
Policy Proposals May 7, 2015

Financing US transportation infrastructure in the 21st century

The nation’s transportation infrastructure, it is widely agreed, is eroding and in need of long-term, innovative policy solutions and adequate investment. In t…
Economic Facts May 7, 2015

Racing ahead or falling behind? Six economic facts about transportation infrastructure in the United States

Many agree on the need for increased investment in America’s aging infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and airports. This set of economic facts provide o…
Posts October 16, 2014

America’s fragmented water systems

In the blog post, The Hamilton Project explores the regulatory challenges of America's fragmented water systems and highlight eye-opening information from …
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