
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Posts March 2, 2020

What should a fiscal response to a COVID-19 outbreak look like?

Hamilton Project Director Jay Shambaugh comments on the COVID-19 virus and how economic policies with automatic triggers can alleviate the financial burden of …
Policy Proposals May 16, 2019

Infrastructure investment as an automatic stabilizer

Transportation infrastructure investment during economic downturns often occurs too slowly—and in insufficient quantities—to help stabilize the economy. Andrew…
Economic Facts January 31, 2019

Nine facts about state and local policy

Policy debates often focus only on major decisions made in Washington, DC. But for many Americans, the decisions made much closer to home have just as large, i…
Policy Proposals January 31, 2019

Local transportation policy and economic opportunity

There is broad agreement about the importance of transportation infrastructure, but disagreement about the goals of transportation policy and the appropriate m…
Papers September 28, 2018

The geography of prosperity

Ryan Nunn, Jana Parsons, and Jay Shambaugh investigate the factors that have created concentrated prosperity in the United States while leaving many places beh…
Papers September 28, 2018

The historical role of race and policy for regional inequality 

Bradley Hardy, Trevon Logan, and John Parman describe the legacy of structural racism and its influence on economic outcomes for people and places today, outli…
Policy Proposals September 28, 2018

Harnessing the US intergovernmental grant system for place-based assistance in recession and recovery

The $700 billion U.S. intergovernmental grant system is often poorly targeted to areas that are struggling. Tracy Gordon proposes reforms to Medicaid and other…
Posts February 14, 2018

Still no free lunch: Infrastructure investments must be carefully evaluated

The President’s 2019 Budget gives a prominent place to infrastructure policy, proposing $100 billion of matching funds to state and local governments, as well …
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