
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Policy Proposals June 16, 2014

Designing effective mentoring programs for disadvantaged youth

In this policy memo, Phillip B. Levine proposes that nongovernmental organizations—including nonprofits, foundations, and charitable organizations—as well as p…
Policy Proposals June 16, 2014

Reducing unintended pregnancies for low-income women

In this policy memo, Isabel Sawhill and Joanna Venator propose that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Population Affairs, in conjunct…
Posts January 10, 2014

The “ripple effect” of a minimum wage increase on American workers

In this month’s Hamilton Project employment analysis, we consider the “ripple effects” of a minimum wage increase on near-minimum wage workers, finding that a …
Economic Facts December 2, 2013

A dozen facts about America’s struggling lower-middle class

Many American families whose incomes are not low enough to officially place them in poverty live in economically precarious situations. This struggling lower-m…
Policy Proposals February 26, 2013

An evidence-based path to disability insurance reform

Jeffrey Liebman and Jack Smalligan propose a path to improve our disability insurance system, through demonstration projects and administrative changes, that c…
Policy Proposals February 25, 2013

Better ways to promote saving through the tax system

Karen Dynan examines the design of government incentives for personal savings, outlining how reforms to these programs would improve saving and economic securi…
Policy Books February 22, 2013

15 ways to rethink the federal budget

As policymakers work to find solutions to reduce the federal budget deficit, The Hamilton Project presents 15 pragmatic, evidenced-based proposals that would b…
Posts December 16, 2012

How long will it take to get to 6.5 percent unemployment?

The Fed recently announced that it would keep interest rates at historic lows until the unemployment rate dropped below 6.5 percent, so long as inflation remai…
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