
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Policy Proposals March 15, 2019

Addressing modern debtors’ prisons with graduated economic sanctions that depend on ability to pay

The use of monetary sanctions to punish crimes ranging from minor traffic or public order offenses to the most serious felonies is ubiquitous in the United Sta…
Economic Facts January 31, 2019

Nine facts about state and local policy

Policy debates often focus only on major decisions made in Washington, DC. But for many Americans, the decisions made much closer to home have just as large, i…
Papers December 6, 2018

Labor market considerations for a national job guarantee

In this framing paper, Ryan Nunn, Jimmy O'Donnell, and Jay Shambaugh evaluate the potential labor market impacts of several employment support policies, wi…
Economic Facts October 9, 2018

A dozen facts about immigration

Immigration has wide-ranging impacts on society and culture, and its economic effects are no less substantial. This document provides a set of economic facts a…
Policy Proposals September 28, 2018

Development economics meets the challenges of lagging US areas

Development economics research has made substantial progress in addressing poverty, poor health and education, and other problems of struggling areas. In this …
Papers September 28, 2018

The geography of prosperity

Ryan Nunn, Jana Parsons, and Jay Shambaugh investigate the factors that have created concentrated prosperity in the United States while leaving many places beh…
Policy Books September 28, 2018

Place-based policies for shared economic growth

For a century, the progress our nation made toward realizing broadly shared economic growth gave our economy much of its unparalleled strength. However, for th…
Policy Proposals June 13, 2018

The Main Street Fund: Investing in an entrepreneurial economy

State business incentives tilt the economic playing field in favor of large, incumbent firms and thereby discourage economic dynamism. However, basic collectiv…
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