
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Policy Proposals December 1, 2008

A US innovation strategy for climate change mitigation

Two market problems in addressing climate change are lack of private incentive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and underinvestment by industry in R&D. This …
Policy Proposals July 1, 2008

Pay-as-you-drive auto insurance: A simple way to reduce driving-related harms and increase equity

This paper argues that the current lump-sum pricing of auto insurance is inefficient and inequitable. It proposes and evaluates a simple alternative: pay-as-yo…
Policy Proposals October 30, 2007

An equitable tax reform to address global climate change

This paper describes a carbon tax swap that is revenue and distributionally neutral. The tax swap levies a tax on greenhouse gas emissions with revenue being u…
Policy Proposals October 30, 2007

A US cap-and-trade system to address global climate change

This paper lays out the arguments for using cap-and-trade to address climate change and proposes a system that includes an upstream cap on CO2, a gradual downw…
Papers October 1, 2007

An economic strategy to address climate change and promote energy security

This paper presents a strategy for addressing climate change and promoting energy security that includes pricing carbon and oil, investing in basic research on…
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