
The Hamilton Project produces and commissions policy proposals and analyses to promote broad-based economic growth by embracing a significant role for well-designed government policies and public investment.

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Posts April 22, 2020

How to reduce emissions as much as possible at the lowest cost

This blog post and video explain how existing emissions policies could be updated once a sufficiently high carbon price is in place. They also underscore the i…
Policy Proposals October 23, 2019

How to change US climate policy after there is a price on carbon

If a robust carbon price is successfully implemented, other regulations that target carbon emissions may become redundant, less effective, or more expensive. R…
Policy Proposals October 23, 2019

Market-based clean performance standards as building blocks for carbon pricing

Because industrial sectors contribute a large fraction of total greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, addressing their emissions is an essential eleme…
Economic Facts October 23, 2019

Ten facts about the economics of climate change and climate policy

Substantial physical, biological and economic damages will occur as a result of climate change in the absence of strong policy action. In this set of economic …
Policy Proposals October 23, 2019

Promoting innovation for low-carbon technologies

In this paper, David Popp points out that despite the recent progress made in clean technology innovation, much remains to be done in order to decarbonize our …
Policy Proposals December 13, 2017

Promoting energy innovation with lessons from drug development

Despite progress toward a cleaner energy system, current U.S. policies appear insufficient to reduce emissions enough to avoid catastrophic climate change whil…
Economic Facts March 27, 2017

Twelve economic facts on energy and climate change

In this set of economic facts, The Hamilton Project and the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago provide useful context for a discussion of the…
Policy Proposals March 27, 2017

The next generation of transportation policy

In this paper, Greenstone, Sunstein and Ori propose two major steps towards simplifying fuel efficiency standards and refocusing the program on achieving guara…
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