
Rose Jenkins

Senior Attorney Advisor, The Tax Law Center at NYU Law

As of latest THP publication:

Rose Jenkins is a senior attorney advisor at the Tax Law Center at NYU Law. She has over a decade of experience focusing on corporate and international tax matters, particularly issues relating to the subpart F, GILTI, and PFIC rules.

Prior to joining the Tax Law Center, Jenkins was a managing director in the International Tax group within KPMG’s Washington National Tax office. Before KPMG, Jenkins was in the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (International) at the IRS, finally as a special counsel. Throughout her time at the IRS, she worked extensively on regulations and other administrative guidance. Jenkins worked on guidance related to section 956, inversions, section 385, and the PFIC regime, and, after enactment of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, regulations implementing the transition tax and GILTI and guidance related to the repeal of section 958(b)(4). Jenkins started her career as an associate at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, where she worked on a wide variety of corporate, partnership, and international tax issues. Jenkins has worked with Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) centers to provide tax return preparation assistance to low-income community members, particularly those in need of Spanish-language assistance.

Jenkins holds an LLM from NYU Law, a JD from University of Texas Law, and an MA and BA from Stanford University.

Jenkins is admitted to practice law in New York and serves as a member of the New York State Bar Association Tax Section’s Executive Committee.