As of latest THP publication:
Diane Lim (formerly Rogers) is chief economist at Pew Charitable Trusts. She had been chief economist at the Concord Coalition from April 2008 to December 2012 and author of the “Economist Mom” blog over the same period. She was previously chief economist for the House Budget Committee Democrats; chief economist for the House Ways and Means Committee Democrats; and principal economist for the Joint Economic Committee Democrats. She was a senior economist on the staff of the Council of Economic Advisers in 2000-01 during the last year of the Clinton administration and first 100 days of the Bush administration, and in President Clinton’s final Economic Report of the President (2001) drafted the sections extolling the merits of fiscal discipline. Dr. Lim has also worked at the Brookings Institution, the Urban Institute, and the Congressional Budget Office, and was Assistant Professor of Economics at Penn State University. Dr. Lim teaches tax policy as an adjunct professor for the School of Public Policy and Public Administration at George Washington University. She currently serves as president of the National Tax Association, the leading association of tax professionals dedicated to advancing understanding of the theory and practice of public finance. Dr. Lim received her B.A. in Economics from the University of Michigan in 1983, her M.A. from Brown University in 1984, and her Ph.D. from the University of Virginia in 1991. She is the proud mother of four—three daughters and a son, ages 14 to 21.