News and Commentary
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May 14, 2008
Reducing the likelihood of financial crisis
Hamilton Project Senior Scholar Doug Elmendorf testified before the Joint Economic Committee on principles to guide reform of financial markets.
May 1, 2008
Testimony of Dr. Susan Dynarski
Hamilton Project expert Susan Dynarski testified before the House Ways and Means Committee on designing effective tax incentives for post secondary education.
April 15, 2008
The concept of neutrality in tax policy
On April 15th, tax filing day, Jason Furman testified before the Senate Finance Committee on the concept of tax neutrality.
April 10, 2008
Policies for tackling the mortgage mess
Hamilton Project scholar Doug Elmendorf testified before the Senate Banking Committee on possible policies for tackling the mortgage mess.
January 24, 2008
Options for fiscal stimulus
In a testimony, Jason Furman discusses a timely, temporary and targeted fiscal stimulus as a solution in stabilizing the economy.
January 23, 2008
The US economy, now and for the longer term
Former US Treasury Secretary Robert E. Rubin gave the keynote address for the opening plenary session.