News and Commentary

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News April 10, 2023

CNN: The Fed could easily drive Black unemployment much higher than the overall jobless rate

“Still, a robust labor market isn’t a permanent solution to bridging employment disparities, even if the Fed does keep rates lower, says Wendy Edelberg, direct…
News April 5, 2023

International Banker: Is the US economy headed for a soft landing?

“’In our view, the persistence of both high inflation, strong consumer demand, and very high job openings suggest that the Fed needs to slow the economy enough…
News March 25, 2023

The Washington Post: Banking failures put Fed under yet another harsh political spotlight

“Still, the Fed’s rare independence in Washington puts it in an unusual position. Wendy Edelberg, director of the Hamilton Project and a senior fellow in econo…
Commentary March 21, 2023

Project Syndicate: The Fed must not flinch

“The failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank are significant market events. But, given an overheated labor market and 1970s-like inflation, if the F…
News March 21, 2023

Marketplace: Consumer confidence is up despite current bank troubles — will it last?

“’And when people worry,’ said Wendy Edelberg, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, ‘they keep the money in the bank account just in case they need it…
Commentary March 9, 2023

The Hill: How to fight poverty and boost work with an enhanced Child Tax Credit

“Our design maintains the overall anti-poverty effects of the 2021 expansion while encouraging the labor force participation of low-income parents. And it cost…
News March 3, 2023

Marketplace: What the monthly jobs report can — and can’t — tell us about the labor market

“’The employment report gives us information from two totally different points of view. We have information in the employment report from what we call establis…
News March 3, 2023

States Newsroom: Child poverty dropped to a record low last year. A new report shows how to keep it the way.

“The expanded child tax credit that families received in 2021 helped reduce child poverty across the country, but particularly in the South where families lack…
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