News and Commentary

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Commentary April 5, 2024

Time: Immigration is powering the U.S. economy

"In future years, the vitality of the U.S. population and economy will hinge on immigration policy decisions made now."
News April 3, 2024

The Wall Street Journal: The jobs numbers aren’t adding up. Immigration helps explain why.

"'Lots and lots of people like me, every time they opened the employment report had in the back of their heads that anything above 100,000 is something out of …
News March 24, 2024

Bloomberg: Fed’s Powell ready to support job market, even if it means lingering inflation

“It’s 'about not wanting the unemployment rate to get momentum,’ said former Fed economist Wendy Edelberg, director of the Brookings Institution’s Hamilton Pro…
News March 13, 2024

Axios: How immigration is driving U.S. job growth

"New analysis from the Brookings Institution puts some hard numbers on the relationship between the rise in immigration and the labor market — finding an influ…
News March 8, 2024

The New York Times: U.S. employers add 275,000 jobs in another strong month

"According to an analysis by the Brookings Institution, the influx has approximately doubled the number of jobs that the economy could add per month in 2024 wi…
News December 22, 2023

Marketplace: With prices falling and incomes rising, consumers get a break in time for Christmas

“Why is income growing so much now? It’s hard to say. ‘I mean, we’re going to be debating this as economists for years to come,’ said Wendy Edelberg at the Bro…
News October 28, 2023

The New York Times: The ‘silver lining to the pandemic’ for working mothers

"The analysis, by the Hamilton Project at the Brookings Institution and based on Bureau of Labor Statistics data, identifies a major reason: the newfound abili…
News September 4, 2023

Marketplace: Women’s role in labor force continued to grow in August. Is the trend sustainable?

“Women’s overall labor force participation isn’t quite back to what it was before the pandemic, but that’s largely due to demographic change, according to Laur…
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