
THP visualizes economic issues through figures and data interactives.

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Putting your major to work: Career paths after college

This interactive chart accompanies an economic analysis, "Putting Your Major to Work: Career Paths after College."Students’ career paths after college are ofte…
This chart shows the age distribution of undergraduate students by the type of institution in which the students were enrolled in 2015.

Age distribution of undergraduate students, by type of institution

This chart shows the age distribution of undergraduate students by the type of institution in which the students were enrolled in 2015.

Chronic school absenteeism in the United States

Chronic absenteeism is defined as when a student misses more days of school than a particular threshold—in these data, measured as 15 total days in the 2013-14…

Rates of drug use and sales, by race; Rates of drug related criminal justice measures, by race

Black and white Americans sell and use drugs at similar rates, but black Americans are 2.7 times as likely to be arrested for drug-related offenses.

Probability of a 65-year-old living to a given age, by sex and year

Americans today are living longer than did previous generations, thanks to advances in medicine and changes in lifestyle.
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